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bet356体育在线育 - bet356手机体育为之奋斗的事业,是一个“创建生活家园”的神圣事业,也是一个“参与城市建设”的光荣事业。

过去十一年来,bet356体育在线育 - bet356手机体育坚持可持续发展的绿色经济道路,稳步加快产业升级,在创造价值的道路上不断取得成功,已形成集“金融投资、房屋建筑、商业运营、综合贸易、农业旅游、生物科技、物业管理和劳务输出”为一体的产业布局。凡是过去,皆为序章。憧憬未来,景茂将把自己的DNA不断注入到企业发展的蓝图中,与全国经济一体发展,最终实现“立足四川、布局全国”的战略目标。面对未来,一切并不轻松,但我们在一起,拥有对于变化的期待,对现实的善意,对价值的坚守,也拥有对国家的信心,对这片土地的热爱。

长河悠远,天地常新。bet356体育在线育 - bet356手机体育抱以诚信、责任的经营态度,坚守“推进客户生活品质提高,积极影响城市发展”的使命与追求不变,积极进取,勇于开拓,最终实现企业、员工、客户的价值高度统一。

Built to Last,Honor It with Courage and Perseverance

History develops in time of changes and dreams are realized with unremitting endeavor.

The business that Jingmao Real Estate strives for is a sacred undertaking of “creating a living homeland” and it is also a glorious undertaking of “engaging in urban construction”.

During the past 11 years, Jingmao Group adhered to the road of green economy for sustainable development, steadily accelerated industrial upgrading, and succeeded in creating value. It has formed a industry layout of financial investment, construction, commercial operation, comprehensive trading, agricultural tourism, biotechnology, property management and labor export" as one. All pasts are prefaces. In the future, Jingmao will continue to inject its own DNA into the blueprint for corporate development and develop with the national economy. To confront with the future, everything is not easy, but we are together, with the expectation for change, the goodwill of reality, the persistence of values, the confidence to the country, and the love for this land.

Through most of history, the world is always full of newness. Jingmao Real Estate holds a business attitude of honesty and responsibility, adheres to mission and pursuit of “promoting the improvement of customer's living quality and positively affecting urban development”. Be aggressive and bold, and finally realizes a high degree of unification of the values of companies, employees, and customers.



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